The Adjutant Corps of United Covenant Churches of Christ operates under the leadership of its Adjutant General, Bishop Jonathan Jordan and strives to uphold the protocol of the church. Their primary function is to serve the leadership of United at all National gatherings, assist with ordinations, consecrations, services of celebration and any area needed.
Adjutant Corps of UCCC Not On My Watch- Four simple words which are a constant guide to those that have committed themselves to serve the leadership within the body of Christ. The job of an Adjutant is to sanctify their leader in the eyes of the people. To cover them spiritually, administratively and care for them with an expectancy of receiving a reward which goes beyond earthly blessings. The Adjutant Corps of United Covenant Churches of Christ strives to uphold the protocol of their local house and that of United. We effectively serves on a National level, assisting with all ordinations, consecrations, services of celebration and can be utilized in any area needed. The main qualification of an Adjutant is to first have the heart of a servant, be connected to a visionary and execute the vision God has given that leader for the house. An Adjutant must be humbly, willing to be seen less and serving more, willing to complete to their assignment and must be teachable. This is a position in which you are expected to be poured into daily both by God and by the leader you serve under. You must be a “know it all” without ever acting like one. The Adjutant Corps of United currently functions under the leadership of Bishop Jonathan Jordan whose passion is to teach all that is needed to serve the men and women of God. Assisting with this is Bishop Jimicah Roseberry who serves as the Deputy Adjutant and assigned within each state Diocese are Chief Adjutants, whose role is to effectively communicate with all Adjutants within their various states, assuring that all training, documents and any assistance needed is provided and that updated reports are handed in to Bishop Roseberry.
The National Adjutancy Corp is a group of men and women who pride themselves on being experts in the field of ecclesiastical and liturgical protocol. They are among those who have committed themselves to live according to the highest standards of holiness and have adopted a disciplined lifestyle that does not bring reproach to themselves nor the Church. Adjutants are the managers of the episcopacy and those senior leaders at large. In other words Adjutants sanctify leaders in the eyes of the people. Adjutants are second to the senior leader as the chief servants of local houses of worship. This does not mean that they are second in the pecking order but first to serve. Adjutants have the ability to serve in any capacity of the church while maintaining the integrity of the position. Their vast knowledge of ecumenical protocol and order makes them an invaluable resource to their leader. Adjutants carry the vision of their local houses of worship in their soul and have transferred to them the spirit of their leader.
As stated above Adjutants are experts in the field of protocol and order. They have the immense responsibility to make sure that the service keeps it integrity by being Christ Centered, by limiting distractions and maintaining a seamless worship experience. It is the responsibility of the Adjutant to know how to prepare for and navigate through every type of worship experience, ordinance, and sacrament in the church. This includes but is not limited to: ordinations, consecrations, weddings, funerals, funeral for clergy, baby dedications, baptisms, and communion (Holy Eucharist). While the adjutancy for now is limited to the Anglican- Pentecostal tradition, the leaders of these churches minister outside of their own denominational lines, so it is the duty of the adjutant to bring enlighten to their leader on liturgical protocol that is foreign to own. It is the job of the Adjutant to inform the leader of the proper vestments for church services outside of one’s own house and ensure that vestments receive the proper care.
The Adjutants works close with the Apostolic Knights of Pentecost to ensure that the guests of our Presiding Bishop, are well taken of and secure while they are visiting with us. Adjutants prepare an atmosphere of conformability and trust to make the stay of any guest tranquil. Adjutants make themselves familiar with the mores of the guest, and if they are a guest preacher, things that will make ministering easy. These things are just an overview of the responsibilities of the Adjutant. The Adjutancy exists to make the life of the senior leader easier and the church experience more excellent!
THE BLAZON FOR The Seal of the United Covenant Churches of Christ Adjutancy Corps. The Cross of Jerusalem: Located on the cross lies a white lamb directly placed on top of the Book of Revelations. The book of Revelations contains the seven seals of The Apocalypse of St.John the Apostle. The lamb represents purity; which corresponds to the figure of the Lamb of God, the Agnus dei, identified as Jesus Christ. The lamb holds a white pennant with a cross. The Bundled Wheat: Is symbolic of the Eucharist, and the harvest of our hope being secured The five stars on the shield: Represents the 5 Adjutant Generals of United Covenant Churches of Christ with the Gold Star in the center representing the first Adjutant General, The Most Reverend Eric Daniel Garnes, D. Min., MPS. The hands with water being poured on them: Represents the story of Elijah and Elisha, the bible says that Elisha poured water on the hands of Elijah, which symbolizes his servitude towards his leader. The Helm of the Crest: is an opened barred helmet that represents nobility, the helmet when mounted on the shield represents wisdom and security in defense; strength, protection, and invulnerability. The Helm is crested with a noble’s crown. The Swords: Pointed downward meaning that we are men and woman of peace, but unsheathed meaning that we are ready to defend.